Student Services

Counselling Services

The Counselling Services are here to support you in your decision-making regarding your academic success, career plan, or personal development. Our counsellors offer a wide range of services that promote well-being, academic success, and personal growth.

HomeServicesCounselling Services
At Collège Boréal, all students have access to the following services:
  • Personal Counselling
  • Academic Counselling
  • Career Counselling

The above services are available Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To make an appointment with one of our counselors, email us at or call 1-800-361-6673, ext. 2020. Please note that all our services are free and confidential.

Mental Health Service available after office hours

Students can access mental health services outside of office hours through the mobile application called My SSP (My Student Support Program). This service is offered through chat, phone sessions, or virtually. For more information, please download the mobile application or visit


Personal Counselling

College years can be a wonderful time filled with new experiences and opportunities to explore new ideas. However, this time can also bring about feelings of anxiety and uncertainty. While these feelings represent some of the primary reasons why students seek our services, it is also possible to seek help for the following reasons:

  • anxiety related to oral presentations;
  • concerns or disappointment with exam results or academic performance;
  • financial stress;
  • concerns about post-secondary education plans;
  • loneliness or homesickness;
  • difficulty adapting to life abroad;
  • suicidal ideation;
  • tension with family members, friends, or roommates.

Academic Counselling

You can consult one of our counselors to discuss your academic challenges. They can help you evaluate your learning style and support you in making certain decisions about your studies.

Career Counselling

If you have doubts about your career choice, make an appointment with one of our counselors! They will evaluate your interests, skills, and personality to offer you a professional orientation that meets your needs and expectations.

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