Investing in your education means you’re investing in your future!
Tuition and other fees are yearly charges that have been approved by the Collège Boréal board of directors. We provide the fee breakdown so you can plan your expenses for your time at college.
If you have a question about tuition and related fees, please contact the Registrar at 1-800-361-6673 or 705-560-6673, extension 2180, or by email at
For housing information, consult the Student Housing page. « Logement étudiant ».
Tuition fees and incidental fees
Tuition Fees
Fall 2024:
- Tuition – Full-time – Fall 2024 Cohort (Domestic) (French only)
- Tuition – Full-time – Fall 2024 Cohort (International) (French only)
Winter 2025:
- Tuition – Full-time – Winter 2025 Cohort (Domestic) (French only)
- Tuition – Full-time – Winter 2025 Cohort (International) (French only)
- Tuition – Part-time 2024-2025 (French only)
Ancillary Fees
- Ancillary fees: 2024–2025 (domestic students) (French only)
- Ancillary fees: 2024–2025 (international students) (French only)
- Technological equipment: These fees go toward expanding, updating and maintaining the Collège’s technological equipment and services, including Wi-Fi, servers, emails accounts and more.
- Graduation and academic files: These fees cover graduation ceremonies, the creation and purchase of decorations, robes, caps, hoods, advertisement, diplomas, etc.
- Sports and recreation: extra- and intramural sports: These fees support the college’s intra- and extramural teams.
- Sports and recreation: Vipères: These fees go toward the varsity teams for things like trips, equipment, coaches, etc.
- Sports and recreation: operating and capital: These fees help pay for operating and maintaining the sports facilities that can be used by all students.
- Study aids – technopedagogical support: These fees help fund the technological services used to support academics.
- Career guidance: These fees support the career guidance services offered to the student body, particularly career counselling, information meetings, the job fair, job advice and work placement.
- Buildings (student services): These fees go toward the facilities used to hold student activities and provide students services.
- Health and consultation: These fees help support access to health professionals for basic medical care, mental health care, counselling and basic health resources.
- Student ID cards: These fees cover the ID card system, including card-activated access to specific rooms.
- Campus security: These fees support security-related programs and services such as sexual assault prevention.
- Financial aid: These fees contribute to development of an app or online assistance to help students understand and monitor the financial aid process.
- Social activities: These fees go toward social activities organized by the student association.
- Healthcare insurance (Canadian students only): These fees contribute to health care insurance. Students can waive these fees upon presentation of proof of pre-existing coverage.
- Student association (AGEE): This amount goes toward the general operating fees of the student association so it can effectively represent all students at Collège Boréal.
- AGEE scholarship fund: This amount goes into the AGEE scholarship fund, which includes athletic and leadership scholarships, among others.
- Alumni counsel: These fees support the counsel.
- The Canadian Federation of Students: These fees help cover Collège Boréal’s membership to the CFS. Students who pay this amount support political representation of students at the provincial and federal levels and receive a range of discounted services (academic planner, awareness information and training in leadership and government).
Estimate of Ancillary Fees by Program
These fees may include the cost of textbooks, supplies, uniforms, equipment, and educational trips, etc. Some programs may also have ancillary fees for consumable items.
Please note that this is an estimate only.
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