HomeAn Evening for the International Day of La Francophonie

An Evening for the International Day of La Francophonie

20 March 2025 / 17:00

Collège Boréal - Toronto, (60 Distillerie Lane)

  • Toronto


About the Event

Join us for an unforgettable evening during Toronto’s Francophonie Week 2025!

Immerse yourself in the cultural and culinary diversity of the French-speaking world at a festive gathering that brings together Francophones, Francophiles, and the Franco-curious.

  • Music, dance, and a friendly atmosphere
  • Tasty bites from various French-speaking regions
  • Opportunities to network and connect
  • A time for discovery and celebration

Expect an evening filled with memorable encounters and excitement—don’t miss out!

Register now and celebrate with us!


Organizing Partners: Université de l’Ontario français | Alliance française de Toronto | Bureau du Québec à Toronto | Centre francophone du Grand Toronto | Collège Boréal | Glendon campus de l’Université York | Collège La Cité | Table de concertation des organismes francophones de Toronto

Supporters: TFO | Metropolitan | L’Express de Toronto | Le Club canadien de Toronto | La Représentation de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie pour les Amériques (REPAM) | Desjardins

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