Bursaries for 24 Toronto campus graduates
9 June 2021

As part of its 25th annual awards, the Collège Boréal Foundation is proud to announce that 24 bursaries totaling more than $7,300 have been distributed to graduates of our Toronto campus. Thanks to the generosity of many important partners, Collège Boréal presented these awards at an awards ceremony held virtually on Tuesday, June 8.
Since the founding of Collège Boréal in 1997, more than 12 million dollars have been distributed to students from communities across the province and even internationally. Just this year, we are awarding 1065 bursaries for a total of over $850,000.
The mission of the Boréal Foundation and the Development Office is to facilitate access to higher education by providing resources to ensure that every student experiences rich and rewarding post-secondary studies and particularly by:
- Ensuring that no student is denied high quality education due to lack of money;
- Recognizing the academic achievements and personal accomplishments of students through awards of excellence in all sectors;
- Providing the College with appropriate teaching materials;
- Maximizing revenues by inspiring and fostering a culture of philanthropy.
This year, more than ever, our graduates need to celebrate. Despite a challenging year marked by the pandemic, they persevered and obtained their diploma. It is because of our partners that we are able to continue to provide financial support to our students year after year and for that, we are extremely grateful. We owe to our partners the success of this celebration of our students’ achievements!
Awards recipients and partners honoured at 2020-2021 awards celebrations:
- Pakinam Ghaly, Early Childhood Education, Administration, Boréal Online: School of Business, Community Services, Arts, Development and General Sciences Award of Excellence
- Ingrid Militao Leoni, Law Clerk: Collège Boréal Fondation Award of Excellence
- Akissi Chantal Yao, Early Childhood Education: Ali Liénaux Award
- Catherine Carbonneau, Early Childhood Education: Ali Liénaux Award
- Adrien Nauroy, Office Administration – Executive: Centre d’excellence en approvisionnement FRANCOachat Award
- Aissata Bâ, Practical Nursing: Centres d’accueil Héritage Award
- Dorcas Sumbela, Office Administration – Executive: Dominic and Shivangi Mailloux Award
- Ambre Methalie, Office Administration – Executive: Dominic et Shivangi Mailloux Award
- Kouamé Denis Ahué, Social Services Worker: Jean Roch Boutin Award
- Athina Michelle Kemajou Wandji, Business Administration – Accounting: La Pâtisserie Nord-Lyon Award
- Nathalie Lago Kamden, Computer Engineering Technician: Taab Cleaning Award
- Prescilla Diza Nsiambote, PreHealth Sciences – leading to advanced certificates and diplomas: Entité3 Award
- Brianne Léger, Practical Nursing: Entité3 Award
- Mouloud Zack Sadi-Bourouih, Computer Engineering Technician: Xenex Entreprises Inc. Award
- Morteza Giyahtazeh, Computer Engineering Technician: Rajiv Bissessur Award
- Glodie Kazadi Samba, Early Childhood Education: Rajiv Bissessur Award
- Sendrine Kohou, Early Childhood Education: Centre francophone du Grand Toronto Award
- Josiane Diore Kamdem Mbeuya, Early Childhood Education: Centre francophone du Grand Toronto Award
- Kapinga Tresor Kwangu, Child and Youth Care: Alpha Toronto Award
- Narmin Karim, Early Childhood Education: Alpha Toronto Award
- Huguette Fumu-Tamuzo Fatulu, Early Childhood Education: OASIS Centre des femmes Award
- Marceline Bararufise, Social Services Worker: OASIS Centre des femmes Award
- Vedee Arnasalon, Office Administration – Executive: Taab Cleaning Award
- Kevin Vincenzo Boulanger, Office Administration – Executive: Groupe Média TFO Award
- Ingrid Militao Carneiro Leonis, Law Clerk: Groupe Média TFO Award
This year we have doubled the number of bursaries we are awarding, thanks to the generosity of 14 individuals, organizations and businesses in the Greater Toronto Area. On behalf of the college and our graduates who have received an award, we express our deep appreciation to these donors. These awards are a fitting way to mark Collège Boréal’s 25th anniversary, especially in this year when students faced additional challenges due to the pandemic.