Industry-Specific Training Programs

Mining Essentials Program

The 12-week Mining Essentials program is tailored for Indigenous individuals seeking mining career opportunities, providing essential skills and hands-on learning experiences. It aims to empower participants for rewarding employment, fostering economic development and community health, while encouraging partnerships for successful training and employment outcomes.

  • Offered in English
  • Offered in French
HomeMining Essentials Program


Teaching Style

12 weeks


About this Training

This 12-week Mining Essentials program is tailored for Indigenous individuals interested in exploring career opportunities in mining. It equips participants with essential skills for the workforce and offers hands-on learning experience in the field. It integrates workplace scenarios with traditional Indigenous teaching methods and mediums, paving the way for potential employment opportunities or continuing secondary or post-secondary education.

The program aims to empower Indigenous participants with the non-technical skills and confidence needed to achieve rewarding employment while fostering economic development, resulting in healthy communities.

Partnerships between mining employers, educators, and communities are encouraged from the outset to create a successful foundation for training toward employment. Mining Essentials is highly customizable to address the unique needs of the region and all involved partners. It is often referred to as a “12-week interview,” sourcing a local, skilled, and safety-conscious workforce.

Mining Essentials graduates have harnessed the essential and work-readiness skills necessary to gain employment in the mining industry. The program’s success is demonstrated by a high graduation rate, typically around 70%, with the majority finding employment or furthering their mining education within six months of graduating.

Mining Essentials Program

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